Attorney Ryan Williams
Board Member
Mr. Ryan Williams, a native of Coosa County, Alabama, is the youngest child of both his maternal and paternal family which is comprised of 15 children. Ryan was the first person from his maternal family to earn a college degree.
In 2009, he graduated from Auburn University in Montgomery (AUM) with a B.A. in Justice and Public Safety. In May of 2013, he earned his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from an American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law school, Florida Coastal School of Law.
His passion for law and the legal system stemmed from his humble upbringing where he had his fair share of encounters with law enforcement.
By the age of 16, Ryan had witnessed violence among his peers and the inner-city youth in his community. This led to many youth in his community becoming juvenile delinquents. Without the appropriate legal representation and parental guidance, many offenders never obtained their high-school diploma or were afforded the opportunities to become productive members of society.
Ryan also experienced many of those same things. He was once at-risk of dropping out of school and going in the wrong direction. However, through the aid of positive role-models and people who cared, Ryan was able to overcome those things and focus on his academics. Ryan began receiving scholarship offers from major universities. These scholarship offers gave him hope and encouraged him to further change his life for the better.
Ryan then began his dream of becoming a lawyer to assist at-risk youth with diversionary programs so that they can transition out of the criminal justice system with the needed resources to finish school and become productive citizens in society.
From 2009 until 2011, Ryan worked as an Early Intervention Specialist in Nashville, Tennessee with the non-profit organization Street Works. While working there, Ryan catered to the core population of two of Nashville’s largest public housing communities. He provided counseling, sex education, health testing, recommended drug rehabilitative diversion programs, and assisted adults with obtaining their GED.
In 2011, understanding the importance of education and the impact that it has on communities, Ryan began law school to focus primarily on juvenile justice. His goal is to decrease recidivism among America’s youth. His life mission is to divert primarily young males from the same obstacles that he once witnessed and experienced as an adolescent.
During his tenure as a law student, Ryan became certified as a Guardian Ad Litem; worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Southern Poverty Law Center on juvenile issues; and worked in the Educational Disability Law Clinic.
As a newly minted 2013 law school graduate, Ryan has already worked alongside the City of Atlanta’s Solicitors to assist youth in entering the Teens Learning Control Program.
Currently, Ryan is practicing attorney in Atlanta, Georgia and an owner of a Marathon Gas Station.